Sunday, 13 July 2014


Just a short intro:

I am a bachelor student of economics in Austria and I want to break into Finance (preferably in Risk or Portfolio Management).

Reading all those blogs and websites like Wall Street Oasis, Mergers and Inquisitions, studentroom, GMAT club, efinancialcareer, etc. and you'll soon get the impression that you can only break into finance if you pursue a prestigious Master's in Finance from a well known university. "Well known" means in this case top tier universities like LSE, Oxbridge, Imperial, Bocconi and HEC. Indeed, those universities keep placing well in the City, but they also have a big downside in common: enormous tuition fees.

What justifies tuition fees over 20k € for a finance master? Most students, who want to attend top tier universities, are confused about the question. Most of the time you'll get answers like top placement records, reputation, career service, alumni network, BB target, and so on, with an arrogant undertone making you feel stupid. But is that really 20k worth?

I don't think so and I believe, there's huge misconception and misinformation on the web. People are confusing the term "target university" and put ridiculously high premiums on prestige. Universities, in turn, respond by using their finance masters as cash cows. And the best thing: HR don't even care, where you studied. At least, it's not as important as most students believe (at least in Europe; in the States people care a lot more about pedigree).

HR departments receive thousands of applications every year. Of course, they care whether you have studied at the University of Warwick or at an Unknown University in Europe. But, they don't care much, whether you have graduated from Warwick or Paris Sorbonne University! While the former costs you more than 20k a year, the latter costs you almost nothing.

That's the whole idea behind this blog. I try to find undervalued and underestimated Finance Masters in Europe, which offer great curricula, good reputation and strong job prospects, for a low and affordable price. As information of these programs is scarce on the web, I'll try to get as much information as I could find.

Have a good time, leave a comment and I hope you enjoy my blog ;)

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